Ehab Badran

Why Every Doctor Should Think About a Side Hustle

Being a doctor is a huge part of our identity, but it doesn’t have to define everything. So often, we get caught up in the idea that medicine is all we are, yet the truth is we have many talents that extend far beyond our clinical roles.

A side hustle offers a way to explore those hidden skills and passions.

Breaking the Medical Mold

In the medical field, we’re constantly told that true success comes from excelling in our jobs—getting prestigious roles, winning recognition, achieving medical breakthroughs.

We hold these high achievers up as the gold standard of success, believing that’s what a meaningful career looks like. But, here’s the trap we fall into…

We start thinking that if we aren’t giving 100% to the hospital, the clinic, or the operating room, we’re somehow failing. This narrow definition of success can leave us feeling boxed in.

As Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, once said:

“In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and excess as the good life, a person happy doing his own work is usually considered an eccentric.”

In medicine, this rings especially true. There’s often little room for exploring life outside our careers, and if we do, it might feel like we’re falling short of expectations. But that mindset limits us.

We’ve been taught that success is only about what we achieve in the hospital. But real fulfillment comes from more than just clinical accomplishments.

The Opportunity of a Side Hustle

A side hustle offers an escape from that narrow definition of success and opens up new possibilities for doctors. Here’s why:

1. Unleash Skills Outside of Medicine

We all know how to diagnose, treat, and care for patients, but that’s not all we’re good at. Doctors are also natural problem solvers, communicators, and critical thinkers.

• A side hustle lets us channel those skills in new directions—consulting, teaching, or even writing.

• Imagine sharing your expertise in a blog, providing insights to health tech companies, or mentoring medical students.

2. Create a Healthy Balance

Let’s face it, being a doctor can be consuming. A side hustle gives you the chance to reconnect with passions outside of medicine.

• Whether it’s starting a podcast, selling creative products, or freelancing, it adds a healthy dose of variety to your life.

• This balance can reignite your energy and give you a fresh perspective on both work and personal life.

3. Impact the World in New Ways

Medicine is not the only way to make a meaningful impact.

• You can offer your expertise to new industries—helping startups create health apps, launching a wellness venture, or offering expert opinions.

• You’re still changing lives, but in ways that align more with your unique strengths and interests.

4. Supplement Your Income

Let’s be real: a side hustle can also help financially. Whether you’re trying to pay off loans or build up savings, an extra income stream brings peace of mind.

​• You could write a book, create an online health course, or offer private consulting to boost your earnings.


Avoid Common Pitfalls

While a side hustle can be rewarding, it’s important to approach it the right way:

❌ Avoid Quick-Fix Schemes

Be cautious of side hustles that promise fast money with minimal effort. Focus on projects that are sustainable and add long-term value.

❌ Don’t Skip the Planning Stage

Like any venture, a side hustle needs proper planning. Research the market, set realistic goals, and develop a strategy for growth.

❌ Pay Attention to Legal and Financial Details

Be sure to handle taxes, licensing, and contracts carefully. Skipping over these details can cause problems later.

❌ Overcommitting Your Time

Balancing a side hustle with a demanding medical career can be tricky. Be mindful of how much time and energy you’re investing. Make sure your side hustle doesn’t detract from your well-being or affect your clinical work.

❌ Choosing Something You Aren’t Passionate About

A side hustle should align with your interests. If you pick something just for the potential income, you may lose motivation quickly. Ensure it’s something you enjoy and are passionate about, so you can stay engaged for the long term.

❌ Burnout Risk

Adding more to your plate can increase the risk of burnout if you don’t manage your time and energy wisely. Make sure your side hustle brings balance and joy, rather than just more stress.

❌ Neglecting to Reassess

Regularly evaluate how your side hustle is affecting your overall life balance. If it’s starting to cause more stress than satisfaction, don’t hesitate to pivot or reassess your approach.


Examples of Side Hustles for Doctors

Here are some practical examples of side hustles you can start as a doctor, along with actionable steps to help you get going:

1. Medical Consulting for Startups

• How to Start: Leverage your expertise to advise health tech startups on product development or medical services. Begin by reaching out to startups on platforms like LinkedIn or health-focused forums.

• Example: Help a telemedicine startup design protocols for patient care, charging an hourly consulting fee.

2. Online Course Creation

• How to Start: Develop an educational course on platforms like Udemy or Teachable, covering topics such as health education or exam preparation.

• Example: Create a course for medical students preparing for board exams, breaking down complex topics into digestible lessons.

3. Medical Writing or Blogging

• How to Start: Share your knowledge through medical writing for websites, journals, or starting your own blog. You can also write content for patient education platforms.

• Example: Write regular blog posts on healthcare topics or contribute articles to medical publications for a fee.

4. Telemedicine

• How to Start: Provide virtual consultations on platforms like Teladoc or Doctor on Demand, or even start your own telemedicine service.

• Example: Offer virtual consultations in your specialty during evenings or weekends for additional income.

5. Expert Witness Services

• How to Start: Sign up on platforms like SEAK or Expert Institute to offer your services in medical-legal cases.

• Example: Provide expert testimony or medical opinions for legal cases, charging by the hour for case reviews and court appearances.

6. Health Coaching

• How to Start: Use your medical expertise to offer personalized wellness or lifestyle coaching to individuals.

• Example: Offer one-on-one coaching sessions focused on preventive care, nutrition, or fitness for busy professionals.

7. Real Estate Investment

• How to Start: Invest in real estate properties to generate passive income, such as rental properties or real estate syndications.

• Example: Purchase a rental property and manage it part-time, or invest in larger real estate deals through syndication platforms.

8. Public Speaking and Workshops

• How to Start: Give talks at medical conferences, corporate wellness programs, or community health events.

• Example: Offer workshops on stress management or work-life balance to healthcare workers or corporate clients.

9. Medical App Development

• How to Start: Collaborate with developers to create an app that addresses a common healthcare need, such as patient education or health tracking.

• Example: Develop an app that guides patients through managing chronic conditions or provides first-aid tips.

10. Podcasting

• How to Start: Start a podcast discussing health topics, medical innovations, or interviewing fellow professionals.

• Example: Create a weekly podcast where you share tips on mental health, wellness, or breaking down common medical myths.

Each of these side hustles leverages your medical expertise in different ways, offering flexible options to diversify your income and explore new interests. Choose one that aligns with your passion and start small, building it step-by-step!



More Than Just a Career Boost

At the end of the day, a side hustle isn’t just about extra money or diversifying your skills—it’s about living a more fulfilled life. Medicine may be your main path, but it’s not the only one.

There’s so much more to who you are than your role as a doctor, so why not explore it?

Your Next Step: Take some time this week to reflect on your untapped skills and interests. Write down one idea for a side hustle that excites you. It doesn’t have to be a grand project, just a step toward using your talents in a new way.

By pursuing your passions outside of medicine, you’ll find that the extraordinary will follow naturally.

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