Facing Burnout as a Trainee Doctor: What’s Next?

In the medical profession, we often hear about burnout, and there’s a lot of advice out there on how to avoid it. But it’s a significant issue for many of us. Working in medicine is really demanding. It takes years of hard work, and we often have to sacrifice a lot of our personal life […]
Sleep Less, Achieve More: Myth or Reality ?

Do we really need eight hours of sleep? As doctors in training, we’re always up against the clock, juggling studies and exams alongside career advancement. It’s a bit easier for medical students, without the full weight of job responsibilities and family life. But once we become doctors, the stakes are higher – our careers and […]
Understanding Your NHS Payslip

As a surgeon with the NHS, I’ve often found that getting to grips with our payslip details can be a bit perplexing. So, I’ve put together a straightforward guide to help demystify the information provided in our monthly pay statements. Personal and Job Details: At the top of your payslip, you’ll see your personal information, […]
Navigating CPD Points as a Surgeon in the NHS

As a surgeon in my surgical training in the NHS, apart from performing our daily duties for patient care, we are always on the quest for career progression. We aim to continually enhance our knowledge and formulate career development plans that are regularly evaluated during our appraisals. Every year, we meticulously craft a strategy to […]
The UK Tax System: Insights from an NHS Surgeon

Navigating the maze of the UK tax system can be a formidable task, especially for someone engrossed in the relentless world of surgery. Over the years, I’ve acquired some insights that might make this journey less daunting for my fellow NHS surgeons. 1. Income Tax: Like every working individual in the UK, NHS surgeons are […]
NHS Job Interviews: Key Questions and Ideal Responses

I have received many messages asking about possible questions that can be asked in NHS job interviews, I thought it’d be beneficial to shed some light on the questions frequently posed during these interviews. Having insights can make the preparation process smoother! giving examples of possible good answers that can be tailored depending on the […]
Big Business Ideas for Everyday Life

I’ve been diving into the world of business strategies lately, looking at how different businesses work and grow. It’s interesting to think about how companies we use every day, like Amazon or Uber , started and got to where they are now. These businesses have made our lives easier and more enjoyable. What really caught my […]
A Simple Way That Can Change Your Life: bullet Journaling

I have something simple that can completely improve your life. In today’s hectic life, everything just seemed to pile up. Days were filled with tasks, to-dos, and endless lists, making it feel like I was constantly behind. The stress of trying to keep up was getting to me. I searched for ways to get organized, […]
Elevating Skills: Comfortable Exploration Vs. Rigorous Coaching

I’ve recently stepped up to a more senior level in my training as a plastic surgeon, and with this advancement comes more responsibility and a whole new set of challenges to improve and enhance my skills in the journey of being trained as a plastic surgeon. While embarking on the journey of acquiring new skills, […]
The Freedom of Less: Tips for a Happier You

Subscribe to My Newsletter 👉 Here Happy Saturday, Everyone! I hope you’re all doing well today. Last week, I had the opportunity to delve deep into the world of minimalism, and I can honestly say that it was an eye-opening experience. At first glance, minimalism might seem like it’s all about decluttering and getting rid of […]